"Franking credits on dividends on Australian shares can add more than 1% per year to returns for Australian shareholders," says Ashley Owen, "but many professionals don’t include the value of franking credits in their clients’ returns – either historical, or forecast".
"Central banks have delivered the most aggressive rate hikes in a generation, but cash rates in Australia, US and elsewhere are still below pre-GFC levels. How high will interest rates need to go? " says Ashley Owen
"Aussie retirement funds have the highest ‘growth/defensive’ asset mix in the world – does this mean they are highest risk? What is the best or ideal asset allocation for long term investment funds, including retirement/pension funds?" asks Ashley Owen
"The RBA is lagging has more work to do! In Sept 23 quarterly inflation rose from 0.8% to 1.2%, but cash rate's been sitting at 4.1% since June 23, after 12 rate hikes. Is the RBA doing enough? " asks Ashley Owen,
"In January 2024, Australia’s population reached 27 million. This came 18 years sooner than the government planned and predicted just 22 years ago! Lets discuss why this is critical for investors and how it shapes our investment markets and outcomes." says Ashley Owen.
Ashley Owen examines why CBA has been in the headlines of late for a few reasons – for re-taking the lead from BHP to be the largest ASX-listed company by market value, for being the most over-priced bank in the world, and also for having the most mysterious share price surge this year.
"Higher inflation in future means lower nominal (headline) returns on asset classes & portfolios, and lower real (inflation-adjusted) returns. A big change from the past 30 years", says Ashley Owen
"Australia and Australians loaded up on debt in the GFC and again in Covid, but how do we stack up against other countries? The answer is probably very different to what you thought. " says Ashley Owen
"Nothing scares investors more than news of a ‘recession!’ But why? Recessions have mostly been good for Australian shares!" says Ashley Owen, "Contrary to the popular myth that recessions are bad for share markets, in the vast majority of economic ‘recessions’ in Australia over the past 150 years, the local share market has actually risen! "
Ashley Owen's Market Monitor - a quick snapshot of key events affecting investors and investment markets, especially from an Australian perspective
"It's a confused picture this month with share markets lower across the board from profit taking, interest rate hikes slowing, inflation receding, central bankers warnings,and bond yields flat in most markets", says Ashley Owen
"Share markets are surging back toward their 2021 covid stimulus tech-bubble peaks! After a dozen rate hikes, inflation is easing, rate hikes are slowing, jobs & wages remain strong. What’s not to like? "says Ashley Owen
"Welcome to the Monthly Market Monitor for October 2023. First, here is our quick snapshot of Australian and US share markets, short- and long-term interest rates, inflation, and the AUD since the start of 2020" explains Ashley Owen
"For the past 20 years, global index provider S&P Global has published regular surveys of active fund performance in Australia & other major world markets called ‘SPIVA’ (‘S&P Index Versus Active’). Lets look at the results" says Ashley Owen.
"The 20-year Chinese property construction boom is over, but I’m still bullish on Aussie exports to China continuing to grow", says Ashley Owen
"If I had to pick a single number that drives Australia’s economic growth, income, wealth, living standards, and overall investment returns so far this century - it would be: China’s steel production" says Ashley Owen
"One of the most important, but difficult, aspects of long term investing is learning to not let day-to-day market chatter and scaremongering media headlines affect your long term strategies" says Ashley Owen - Owen Analytics in his monthly look at The Big Picture
"Investors enjoyed unusually high returns in the past couple of decades because everyasset class posted above average returns in the low inflation era we have just enjoyed, but what now?" asks Ashley Owen. Find out more
"Every year there are ‘End of the world’, or ‘End of life as we know it’ crises and threats that scare investors into waiting and watching from the sidelines. Are the current batch of threats different this time?" asks Ashley Owen
"Despite constant doom and gloom in the media headlines this year, most asset classes are ahead in 2023, and most are ahead of inflation", says Ashley Owen
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