2020 Virtual Roadshow

Monday 20 April 2020  - IMAP Virtual Adviser Roadshow

Welcome - Toby Potter IMAP Chair's opening remarks
Have the bushfires changed the investing landscape as well? Leah Willis - Australian Ethical
Have the bushfires changed the investing landscape as well? Mary Campbell Gold Leaf Financial Services
Have the bushfires changed the investing landscape as well? Charles Stodart - Zurich
Keynote Address - 270 sleeps to the future? Paul Barrett  - AZNGA

Tuesday 21 April 2020 - IMAP Virtual Adviser Roadshow

Toby Potter IMAP Chair introduces day 2 of the Virtual Adviser Roadshow
Why our business model will survive - panel discussion with Bianca De Melo - Macquarie, Lisa Fuentes - Alteris and Jonathan Hoyle - Stanford Brown
Speaker panel - Anne Hamieh Xplore Wealth, Vincent O'Neill Stanford Brown and Steve Aldridge - Ridgeman Private Wealth

Wednesday 22 April 2020 - IMAP Virtual Adviser Roadshow

Toby Potter IMAP Chair introduces day 3 of the Virtual Adviser Roadshow
The Real Impact of Managed Accounts on an Advice Business - Martin Morris Praemium
Lessons from another profession - What does it really mean to be a professional in a professional services firm? - Andrew Bradley - Minter Ellison

Thursday 23 April 2020 - IMAP Virtual Adviser Roadshow

Toby Potter IMAP Chair introduces speakers for the final day of the 2020 IMAP Virtual Adviser Roadshow
How Professional Practices Implement Managed Accounts - panel discussion Chris Wrightson - Ironbark and Nick Avery - Finclear
Professional Portfolio Management - What do Licensees need to have? - panel discussion with Shane Hawke - Oreana, and Lukasz De Pourbaix - Lonsec
Financial markets adn economic outlook with David Bassanese - BetaShares

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